Vic Jard "When I'm With You" Impacting May 17th: Radio/Media Download

Vic Jard
Vic (Victor) Jard is an 18-year-old French-American singer/songwriter living in Miami. He was born in Lyon, France but moved to the United States with his parents when he was only 3. Music has always been in his blood with his grandma being a backing vocalist for the great Edith Piaf and his dad a DJ and a former front-man to his own punk band. At one point, he went to New World School of the Arts in Miami for acting, but music being his true passion, he left school to fully pursue music on his own terms. After singing lead in a few bands, Vic Jard is now releasing his first single entitled "WHEN I'M WITH YOU", a catchy pop tune that should definitely put him in the spotlight.

Additional Artist/Song Information:

Artist Name: Vic Jard

Song Title: When I'm With You

Publishing: Philippe Colpaert

Publishing Affiliation: SABAM

Album Title: When I'm With You

Record Label: Jarfil Music

Radio Promotion:

Loggins Promotion

Paul Loggins



Loggins Promotion

Paul Loggins


#VicJard #WhenImWithYou

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